We are forwarding you the minutes to the Chapter President meeting. Much of the conversation was focused on crime in the area around the university.
By now you have likely heard TV and seen print stories regarding the escalating crime issues this year. There are a few reports from the chapters that members have been victims.
The Partnership Board with Deputy Chief Steve Johnson of the UMPD will be meeting in the coming weeks with representatives from the Minneapolis Police Department to talk about crime and safety issues. How we can best educate the chapters and how our groups can be of help.
We will be sure to send you notes from that meeting.
Presidents Round Table
Tuesday, October 3
Absent: Alpha Sigma Kappa, Delta Gamma, Alpha Gamma Rho, FarmHouse,
Omega Nu Alpha, FIJI, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Triangle
I. Crime in 2^nd Precinct and Neighborhood near University of Minnesota
(Statistics for this year)
A. First-degree assault: 5 in 2^nd Precinct/4 near U of M
(Great bodily harm or with deadly force)
B. Second-degree assault: 125 in 2^nd Precinct/23 near U of M
(Dangerous weapon used)
C. Third-degree assault: 50 in 2^nd Precinct/17 near U of M
(Substantial bodily harm)
D. Fifth-degree assault: 250 in 2^nd Precinct/75 near U of M
(Inflict bodily harm, or to create fear of immediate bodily harm or death)
E. Robbery: 150 in 2^nd Precinct/75 near U of M
F. Aggravated robbery (with weapon): 150 in 2^nd Precinct/46 near U of M
G. Rape and sexual assault: 27 near U of M
II. Crime Prevention
A. *_Always_* call 911 first , then attempt to help. Make sure help is
on the way.
B. Dept. of Public Safety Resources --
http://www1.umn.edu/police/prevention.html ... Check out pages on
personal safety and safety at home
III. Risk Management
A. Corey Coonen (Delta Tau Delta) described what happened with his
chapter this Summer
B. In tailgating lots, beware of more than one chapter member purchasing
(and providing) alcohol (including kegs). It is a violation of your
chapter's insurance policy and headquarters' risk management policy.
IV. Feedback on T.J. Sullivan “Confronting the Idiot in Your Chapter”
(to be forwarded to Campuspeak)
A. Extremely positive, one of the best speakers we've had in a long time
B. More time on confrontation skills would be beneficial
C. Some sort of visual element (especially for lists) would be beneficial
D. Time could have been reallocated to focus on important parts of the
V. Announcements
A. Greek Experience Survey
B. Housing and Residential Life -- Quick Release Program (Deadline: 10/8)
C. Registration with Student Activities Office (Deadline passed;
unregistered groups will be expired at noon 10/6)
D. Student Activities Office Grants --
E. Chapter Announcements
Chad Ellsworth
Greek Affairs Advisor
Office for Student Affairs
University of Minnesota
Phone: (612) 624-7659
Fax: (612) 624-9124
Email: [email protected]