Recruitment update:
We currently have 95 women signed up for formal recruitment through Wednesday. Approximately 70 women attended Thursday night’s orientation session. There was an additional orientation session Friday night. Most women signed up. We're ahead of this time last year (and previous years). We sent postcards to all of the people living in the residence halls this year with recruitment dates, and there are/will be ads in the Minnesota Daily all week. The men are beginning to RSVP for house tours, we are estimating between 50-70 men at this time. The recruitment book will be handed out this weekend at the Information Sessions and Recruitment Kickoff.
The Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Council, Office for Student Affairs, Athletic Department, Rec Sports, University Student Legal Services, Marching Band, and Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) are bringing Rick Barnes to campus on Monday, September 25, 2006 to mark the beginning of National Hazing Prevention Week. Rick Barnes currently serves on the North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) Board of Directors and formerly served as the Association of Fraternity Advisors (AFA) President, and has been a featured speaker on more than 600 campuses. You can learn more about him at:
U of M Parent's Weekend: Parent's Weekend will be 9/29-10/1. The University will also be having a ground breaking ceremony for the new stadium.
Friday, 9/29
-Scholars Walk dedication, McNamara Alumni Center 11 am – 2 pm
-Hanson Hall (Carlson School of Management) ground breaking. TBD
Saturday, 9/30
-Chili Fest, Riverbend Plaza 12pm
-Pass the Football between the Metrodome and the new stadium TBD
-Stadium Ground Breaking Ceremony, Oak and 4th St. 2 pm
-“U Rock” Block Party: Neighborhood/University sponsored 3-6 pm
-Football game: Minnesota vs. Michigan 7 pm
Meeting: Thursday, 9/21, 6:30 pm Location: TBD