Ryan Bade, FIJI undergraduate, was critically injured in a jet skiing accident near Spicer, MN on June 24th. . Ryan was airlifted to St. Cloud Hospital where is in the Intensive Care Unit. He is currently in a coma, breathing mostly on his own with some aid from a ventilator.
Tomorrow, June 30, Ryan will be having a tracheotomy and surgery to repair the bone structure around his eye socket.
MGAP has been in contact with Amelious Whyte, FIJI Academic Advisor, and members of the Undergraduate Chapter and House Corporation. We have pledged our support for Ryan, his family and friends, and his FIJI Brothers.
Ryan’s family has made the trip from Sioux Falls, SD and is staying in St. Cloud. We have offered our assistance and for the moment are waiting for a response on how we can be of help.
Updated information on Ryan can be found at www.mnfiji.org. If you wish to send messages of support and encouragement to Ryan and his family, please go to:
-Click “visit a caringbridge site”
-Enter “ryanbade” in “site name”
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Ryan.